Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The First Time (Berry's Meme!) firsts. Wow...what A trip down memory lane. I've been in SL for 5 years now, some of these were hard to remember, some were happily revisited...enjoy!

  1. First SL Friend: Her name was Kristen Pick. We were noobs together in Morris Welcome Area. She had already figured out the fashion thing in SL and I was mucho impressed. She had fabulously flowing long blonde hair and fantastic shoes. I loved her instantly. She doesnt exist anymore...but you can sometimes catch her Trace Osterham. I've blogged about our friendship before, you can find it if you really want to! 
  2. First SL Kiss: (See #4) It was our "first date"...he was a super cute noob and he had searched all day long for a pretty sim to take me to and I heard a rumor he had dragged a friend along to try all the pose balls with so he could find the perfect one. It was super cute, now that I think about about it. 
  3. First SLex time/place/partner: Confession: SL Sex animations freak me out! I can honestly say I willingly sat one one, once. (See #4 for the with who details)  All I did was laugh the whole time. I just don't understand it, at all. I'v never had a very active slex life...but if there's going to be a chance of it happening, amazing emotes are going to get me far more interested than some lame ass pose ball animations. (Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone!) 
  4. First SL Partner/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband: His name was Ian. We met when I was 2 months old in SL. Within the week we were partnered, owned a homestead together and were pretty much inseparable. That relationship lasted over 2 years. 
  5. First SL Job: Erm...I have never worked in sl. 
  6. First SL Creation: It was a chair. It was 2008. I ended up creating tons of furniture from there and even had a store for quite a while. I'm over that
  7. First Encounter with a Linden: Uhm, I can honestly say it wasn't until this past winter when Boris Linden was trying to help figure out what was wrong with my sim. It was very basic, boring converstation. But Autumn and I had several "OMG" IM's about his afro. 
  8. First Encounter with a SLebrity: A what? 
  9. First SL Sim you fell in love with: It was so so long ago, but it has to have been Chou Chou. It's such a relaxing place. I still love to go there when things get overwhelming in SL. 
  10. First SL Blog Post: It wasn't all that long ago. I think we are still very new to the game. You can read it, here! I look at it often...I'm pretty happy with how far our blog has come since that post. Thank you, all, for that! 


Strawberry Singh said...

I awwww'd at #4. Sometimes you just know that this person is the right one for you, even if it's just for that period of time. Thank you for participating. <3

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