Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Female Of The Species

A thousand thundering thrills await me
Facing insurmountable odds greatly
The female of the species is more deadly than the male

Maxwell Graf of Rustica is not only a pretty spectacular person, he also creates some of the most amazing items I have ever seen. (Who doesn't need a BroStache in their inventory??) Two nights ago, he dropped on me what I consider to be his greatest creation, yet. Sharks with frikkin' laser beams. Seriously. And they're ride-able! The madness that has ensued in my life since the release of these amazing creatures into the Sl wild has been nothing short of spectacular. I've been challenged to shark duels, shark surfed, floated in a bubble with a shark, pointed the laser bean directly into my sisters eyes (even though the directions warn against such things) and posed for pics on my shark with my lovely friend, Maci Restless. She will be posting her pics and blog, shortly! Be sure to check it out, here!  My life has been pretty amazing the past few days, to say the least.


The sharks will be available at The Men's Department on June 5th! Yay!

What I am wearing:

Bikini: Illusory - String Bikini - Black
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Shiori - Wild Honey
Skin: Glam Affair - Margot - Eurpoa 01
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands - Elegant

Pick up Maci's credits on her blog!


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