Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I hate you for the way you smile when you look at me
 I hate you for never taking control of me
I was told today I was not my cheerful usual self by someone, and I confessed I was not.  Though putting a finger on why exactly was another story and I am going to blame it on a compilation of things.  Needless to say sometimes a dark mind is inspired by dark music and some really fabulous clothing. 
Adore & Abhor just put out this posture collar for Twisted Krissmuss, which started December 7th. They're rigged mesh and one size fits most.  I actually did not even need the alpha that came with it personally and it was amazing how it moved.  There are 10 colors and a fatpack option available. 

Sn@tch released these corsets within the last few weeks and the detail work on them is simply stunning.  Make certain you try a demo, she sells by size but you get 8 colors in one pack for a steal of a price!

What I am Wearing:

Skin:  Izzie's - Geanna Skin pale LB CL
Lipstick:  Izzie's - Lipstick dark red (Lazy Sunday)
Hair:  >TRUTH< Moxie - lava 
Corset:  :::Sn@tch Selena Mesh Corset (Red)::: 
Collar:  +>A&A<+ Presented Posture Collar - Red  (Twisted Krissmuss)
Pants:  ::1bp:: Skinny Leathers Black
Tattoo:  ::Para Designs:: Tatsu Black Medium
Lashes:  ::BB:: Mesh Lashes V.01 (Dainty Black)
Eyes:  Mayfly - Deep Sky Mesh Eye (Paris Green, w4)
Nails:  Izzie's - Classic Nails
Ring: {me.} Rock'N Chic Ring SILVER  (Limited Bazaar)


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